solar constant

美 [ˈsoʊlər ˈkɑːnstənt]英 [ˈsəʊlə(r) ˈkɒnstənt]
  • 太阳常数
solar constantsolar constant


the rate at which radiant solar energy is received at the outer layer of the earth's atmosphere


  1. A Modeling Study on the Response of Surface Temperature to Changes in Solar Constant


  2. Reliability analysis for estimation of ET_0 by using the solar constant


  3. Study of a solar constant current controller


  4. The Standard Data of Solar Constant and Solar Spectral Irradiance Outside the Earth 's Atmosphere


  5. The solar constant includes all types of solar radiation , not just the visible light .


  6. Relationships Between the Variation of the Solar Constant and the Solar Soft x-ray Radiation and LF Sky Wave Time Delay


  7. The Correlation Between the Solar Constant and the Near-Earth Space Enoironment ' and Earth 's Rotation


  8. Main contents are ( 1 ) the variation of solar constant and its influences on climatic v (?) riation ;


  9. The maximum of instantaneous global radiation was 1688 Win-2 . which is greater 23 % than solar constant .


  10. This paper describes a method for developing a 30 ° regular conical cavity for the active cavity radiometer sensor on the solar constant monitor .


  11. If the ice ages should occur , i.e. ice edge reaching about 50 ° N , the solar constant would decrease about 17 % .


  12. The result shows the irradiance reaches one solar constant and the irradiation non-uniformity reaches ± 1.72 % , meet the index requirements of ≤± 2 % .


  13. The changes in solar constant , Rayleigh scatting , permanent gas absorption and water vapor content are not the main factors of the changes observed in solar radiation .


  14. Evidence suggests that the nature of the climate response has changed in some manner between solar constant increases of 2.5 % , 10 % and those of 25 % , namely the temperature response is linearly related to the smaller forcings but nonlinearly to the larger ones .


  15. What ACE detected was a violent gust of " solar wind ", the constant flow of charged particles from the sun .


  16. The solar irradiance was measured in this way by the solar constant monitor mounted on Shenzhou-3 spacecraft , which is consisted of three Solar Irradiance Absolute Radiometers ( SIARs ) with 15 ° view field .


  17. The characteristics of atmospheric circulation under different solar constants on Earth are as follow : as the solar constant gets larger , the temperature increases and zonal wind gets stronger . Both of meridional and latitudinal velocities decrease , which decrease greatly at north hemisphere . 5 .
